Saturday, January 07, 2006

Love can make you Immortal

Where is the Love? Was a question I came across in an article.

Well that is not a very difficult question
Love is between the rivers & the ocean.
It’s between the ocean & the land.
It’s between the land & the mountains.
It’s between the mountains & the snow.

There is a lot of love in nature and without this love everything will cease to exist.
Particle loves particle, it’s in the totality of the universe and it is integrated within us.
It is between each cell of your body and without it you cannot take a gasp.
And you are still searching for love; I don’t think you have to.

If you start seeing world with a different view you will admire the beauty of life and its relationship with love. This is not a relationship that you create it is a relationship that you understand & adore once you’ve understood it, and once you start to adore it you become a part of it. After that all you’ll see everywhere is love.

Love is everywhere it’s just that you have lost the power to see it. Why do you love to hate because you hate to love and you hate to love because it is hard to love and man always runs away from tedious tasks.
But this is not the complete answer. Most people hate because they love. Love is the genesis of hatred. Because you love something you’ll hate the other. People love their country so they hate other countries and moreover people love themselves so they hate others. “Hatred cannot exist without love.” But hey, there is a catch “Love can exist without hatred.”

So we come to the question, why does man love himself?
The answer to this is because he doesn’t consider himself to be a part of his environment. He considers himself to be in the petty dimensions of this body but actually he is very much a part of the universe. That’s why he loves himself. His obsession of considering himself separate from the world is the thing that drives him to love himself and to hate the rest.

We must observe the example of love from nature itself, love between the rivers, ocean, land, mountains and snow were just an example, love exist between atoms and atoms to galaxies and galaxies and the result of this love is that the universe has evolved itself to be eternal which is its achievement and which is the power of love. There is nothing great in being mortal but the question exists, Can you be eternal? and the key to this is love.


At 11:27 AM, Blogger bhavna said...

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At 11:28 AM, Blogger bhavna said...

the opening stance has been stated very beautifully indeed.the anemity of ur thoughts needs an applause in the very least.
love is is in the air.Its jus that we don't sense it untill we love ourselves.
Realisation of love within is the realisation of empyrean.If a person immures himself,he is miles away from his actual self.This immuring is inimical to a person's growth n this is what abstains him from attainment of true love.

Leo Buscaqlia has beautifully potrayed his idea of true love in his lines
"Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain."

i might accede to all ur words,though i hav certain reservations when u state that .."Because you love something you'll hate the other. People love their country so they hate other countries and moreover people love themselves so they hate others."....Love n hatred may be the two sides of a coin with love at obverse n hatred the reverse...but my dear friend there is a thin line between the two..these r the two extremes n the gap is filled by another constant..this is Indifference.
the third emotion is Indifference..somethings just don't bother us whatsoever they r...

what i hav seen n what i hav known makes me believe that if a person is in love with himself then he surely will love his i don't necessarily believe that we hav drawn a line between ourselves n surroundings..but i definitely accept that we still don't love ourself.
Love is definitely the elixir of existence..this is wht keeps us alive even when we meet our end.
keep up the good work

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

absolutely fantastic man.
the %th paragraph is relly great man,you really are a great writer.

At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry correction aboove it is 5th paragraph


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